Witness Statement Template


There is no standard form for a witness statement template, but it should be on one side of A4 paper and be typed or neatly handwritten. One should start it with the full name, address and occupation of the person who is making the statement. One should include all the important statement about his/her employment. Like when you signed your employment contract, details of any change of duties, when you were told that you were dismissed or the last day of your work. Important interim applications may fail if the witness statement does not adequately deal with all the issues. It is a formal document which aimed to record the evidence and sets out what a witness discloses information about any case. It can be an oral evidence which a witness gives during trial. This statement starts with the name of case, reference number, statement name, witness’s full address and profession. Behind recording oath from witness, a witness statement also record what the witness saw, heard or felt during incident.

Importance of Witness Statement

Generally, it is a statement that contains your own accounts of the facts relating to the issues arising in a case. Basically the major purpose of a witness statement template is to provide written evidence to support a party case that will be used as evidence in a court. The significance of this statement is very high as it can open up new lines of inquiry during proceedings. To make it legitimate and acceptable for court of law, witness must sign this statement. The statement is the critical part of the case designed to show it in its strongest light and a copy of statement is served to the other parties before the hearing where the statement is submitted in evidence. It is very important that the statement must be in your own words so that you understand what is written in your statement and effectively reflects your account of the evidence.

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