User Manual Template

A user manual template is a paper document, which contains information about the product. It is used as assistant to the users and help them to use product with care. A user manual should be written in different languages, in order to cover all countries and regions. Moreover, the writing level should be very simple and easy to understand. A user manual should be written by a technical staff member who understand product and user’s mind ability. The best way to resolve this issue, is to write a user manual in formal language that is easily understandable by all group of audience. We have created this User Manual template for you to understand its basic terms and conditions. Our created user manual template is bird eye view of actual user manual.

Your font size should be adequate (use at least 12 point font). Try to avoid using multiple style fonts. Provide a large of white space between sections and around images and paragraphs. Try to avoid using saturated blue for text and small details and never use blue on a red background. You should use durable covers and pages for the user manual template and it should be user-friendly. You should keep in mind the needs of disabled users (i.e. low vision and color-blind) and also provide alternative manuals for them also. The user manual must make a strong and positive first impression.

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user manual template

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