Experiment report template is a report in which all details of specific experiences are mention. This report is submitted to relevant scientist or labs. It contains all details of experiment like type of experiment, details of apparatus, reason of experiment and nature of experiment. This report is used in result report, so all information collected carefully with high responsibility. This report defines further steps for solutions and actions after experiment report. It plays a very important role in invention of something. Such reports should submit timely because time matters a lot. Experiment reports are approval of scientific theories.
Details of Experiment Report
The main components of any experiment report template are: the title page, abstract, introduction, methods and materials (or equipment), experimental procedure, results, discussion, conclusion, references, appendices and further reading. It contains the name of the experiment, the names of lab partners, and the date. It also has the purpose of the experiment (sometimes expressed as the purpose of the report), key findings, significance and major conclusions. This report also contains the objective of the experiment and provides the reader with background to the experiment. This report also confirms that you understand the experiment beyond the simple level of completing it.