Car Parking Receipt Template

A car parking receipt template refers to a piece of document that describes the details for the amount of money paid in a parking lot. Car parking receipts are issued by the person who is in charge of allotting parking space to people. Some people like to keep a record of all of their expenditures throughout the month, no matter how little the expenditure would be, a car parking receipt helps in maintaining the record. A car parking receipt comes in handy while parking a car at some unknown parking lot since parking lot owners then become in charge of the safety of your vehicle. These receipts are mostly made in the simplest formats which are easy to understand by everyone.

A car parking receipt usually starts with the name of the parking lot or the area in which it is situated. It also incorporates the complete street address for the parking lot so that somebody who is not familiar with the place can easily locate it for the next time. Additionally, a map of the area with the exact location for the parking lot marked in it is sometimes given on the car parking receipt. It also contains a section for adding in the exact number for the parking space allotted to a vehicle that has been issued that receipt; this helps the person finding his/her car easily. It may also incorporate the date and time of the issuance of the car parking receipt. Furthermore, the amount paid as the parking fee is mentioned in the receipt. In the end, the car parking receipt is made to sign by the person in authority who has received the parking fee.

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Car Parking Receipt Template

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Car Parking Receipt Template

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